Way to squeeze into the weekly running :D
But I got to say, rather serious for an Explosm short. And sort of a sad ending that his child hates him. *sadface*
Way to squeeze into the weekly running :D
But I got to say, rather serious for an Explosm short. And sort of a sad ending that his child hates him. *sadface*
That was a nice collection
I can't say im the biggest fan of Madness tributes, but this one was nicely to put together. All the animations for th e most part was smooth and there was something I could take out of each persons part thats unique.
Great job overall and keep up the good work.
great to hear that :D
Like you said, very minimal animation
The artwork and everything well done, but there really was no actual animations, just some snow and slight blinking. And also way too short.
Good entry
Not too shabby. All of the sprite animations were very smooth and the working of camera angles and so on worked out well throughout the entire flash.
And like you said, the idea isn't very original either since it has been done a million times before, but it was for a competition, so you were quite restricted to pan outside of that.
I think you might actually have something extraordinary if you could piece together a work that had more than just sprites fighting each other for the remainder of the movie, which seems to be all you have done so far, so hopefully your next piece of work will feature some kind of a storyline or plot to it. And maybe not get stuck with just Mario and Sonic type sprites, and maybe edit some sprites yourself to really give a full spectrum of what you're capable of.
Other than that, everything was pretty good.
Good job.
Yes, I agree. And, I am practicing my Plotting skills with my series.
Thank you for your review.
Pretty good
I think the beginning dragged on for way too long though. Otherwise, everything else was pretty good. The audio could use some work though.
Great job.
yeah... I dont know why, but the sound quality always gets screwy when I export the movie. oh well... thanks for the review!
I can get more party...for the booooooze...
Great flash :D
That is so the typical day of a newgrounder. Fantastic job sir :3
Joined on 10/12/04