Pretty Good
I am a fan of the series so far, and I was looking forward to this one.
The episode wasn't bad, and the Voltrontastic intro was pretty awesome, but after that it just sort of start to feel a little out of place compared to the rest of the series thus far.
But I think the biggest thing lacking was really just the characters in this episode. The puberty dialogue was pretty funny, and the "I'm not a man" conversation gave me a snicker here and there, but other than that, there wasn't much dialoguing between the actual characters themselves (Not counting when they turn into the in game characters to talk).
The story didn't quite develop as much as I thought it would have too. This episode just seemed to me like more of a preview than an actual episode. And it just didn't have the funny back and forth between Gobbles and Flappers as in the previous episodes that sort of helped bring each episode out, but of course that's because of the long dialogues when they turn into the in game characters to talk.
Overall it was good, but just felt a bit lacking as far as the character interactions between each other. I even liked the beginning of the intro where Gobbles and Flappers are spiraling into the new universe.
"Dolphins don't get seasick."
I thought that was the kind of funny back and forth that was missing in this one.
Anyways, great job again to all of you and the ending definitely has me looking forward to the next one.
Take care.